WatersToday recently revamped and re-energized its Business Sponsorship committee. The group has expanded to include seven parent volunteer members (and there is always room to join if you are interested!). We actively cultivate business sponsorships and are so thankful for the support from our community. WatersToday is pleased to promote its sponsors, many of which are Waters family owned or managed businesses. For example, Gold Level sponsors ($1,000 to $1,999) get to send a flyer home in student folders and get a shout out in Green Notes. I invite you to peruse all the options for sponsorship with WatersToday.
We are so thankful for our business partnerships and for the continued support from the Waters community. Donations to WatersToday allow the Waters Elementary Local School Council to allocate for things like lunch and recess supervision, fine arts education support, coach stipends, teacher/classroom requests for materials and supplies, and Waters’ one-of-a-kind ecology program.
Keep reading the Green Notes weekly email and checking the Waters Elementary and WatersToday websites for the most up-to-date information.
We are thankful to be a part of this engaged and supportive community. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday.
Jessie Novak & Kortney Moore
WatersToday Presidential Team