We need 7 folks to join the auction solicitation team before March 1. Much of this can be done in your own schedule and over email. New connections and donations are needed.
You can expect to receive clear instructions on what to do and when including:
- an 'assignment list'- a list of businesses to solicit. This list will include previous donations from the donor and contact info for that donor.
- a templated solicitation message that the solicitor can copy and paste (potentially personalize a little bit) into an email and send off to solicit the donation.
- a donation form the donor can fill out describing the item that is being donated, the value, etc. timeline:
- We'd ask that solicitations and follow-ups are done throughout the month of March(can be done on weekends, evenings, whatever works for the solicitor) and that items are picked up from the donor and dropped off at Abby’s by April 15th
Sound fun?! For more information or to volunteer, email Abby Boyer [email protected] and Jenna Martin [email protected].