Waters Holiday Craft Market
The Waters Holiday Craft Market Committee is working diligently in recruiting top notch makers. If you know a talented artist please pass the following information along.
Lincoln Square/Ravenswood Holiday Craft Market
Saturday, December 1, 2018
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Waters Elementary School
4540 N. Campbell Ave., Chicago, IL 60625
To Apply: Applications now open for Lincoln Square/Ravenswood holiday/DIY juried craft market. Ideal way for newcomers or small-scale/Etsy shop vendors to showcase DIY talent and work, while supporting a Chicago neighborhood public arts magnet school and its students. Hundreds of neighbors, families and friends attend this annual holiday market for food, fun, community and shopping locally together. Applications accepted from now through October 8; notifications via email by October 15. Because we receive many more applications than we can accept and to keep the items offered at the market within our quality standards, Waters Craft Market is a juried event. A table fee of $75 will be collected once you are accepted for costs associated with the event; 100% of proceeds of your sales will be your own. To apply, please email the following information to [email protected]:
- Type “2018 Application” in the subject line
- Your Name & Business Name
- Email address & Website URL
- Street Address & Phone number
- Brief description of your work
- Price point (a range and average price)
- 3-5 jpeg images of your work, a digital portfolio, Etsy site or a website URL
Keep in mind the following when you apply: Your items must be made by hand and DIY craft-oriented in approach. We aim to offer a diverse line of goods, or specialized products that are available in a variety of styles. The jewelry category, for example, is incredibly competitive; if you offer jewelry along with other items, this is to your advantage. The average price of your items fit our goal of promoting accessible, affordable handmade/DIY goods; prices typically range between $1 to $75. All items must be creatively and professionally presented.
The Waters Holiday Craft Market will be promoted extensively on websites and social media, and via flyers and street banners. For additional information, please email [email protected]. We look forward to reviewing your application!