1. Waters Today: Wow—26 years is a long time! What do you love most about teaching at Waters?
Ms. Katsoulos: Waters is my second home. We all support one another and work towards our goals together, just like a family.
2. And what do you enjoy most about teaching this age group?
The best thing about teaching third graders is that they love to listen to stories being read aloud and can have good discussions about them.
3. Where did you grow up? Do you remember your third grade teacher? I grew up in Chicago, just like the kids at Waters. I had many teachers growing up who are very memorable, but the teacher I remember the most is my second grade teacher. I remember my classroom filled with large windows which let in a lot of light. On some days the room seemed to glow, and so did my teacher. She was warm and welcoming just like that light. I remember always being happy to be there in her classroom. She inspires me as a teacher.
4. What a beautiful memory. If you weren't a teacher, what do you think would you be doing? I’m not sure what I would be if I weren’t a teacher! I always wanted to be a teacher. If you had asked me in third grade what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’m sure I would have answered, a teacher. But if I had to choose another profession, I’d say a writer. I enjoy the process of writing, and have always loved words. Writing combines two things I love: creativity and language.
5. If you could enroll in another Waters teacher’s class for a day, whose would you choose and why? I would choose Mrs. Johnson’s class. I’ve had the opportunity to be in her classroom during a read-aloud. She is so animated when she reads a story and really brings the book to life. When she reads a story, it’s as if you're there and you're part of it.
6. [Editor’s note: Ms. Johnson, Teacher Feature is coming for you!] What’s something your students would be surprised to know about you?
I can be on the quiet side, so my students may be surprised to know how much I love to dance. I was in a dance group for many years.
7. There are some dancers in your class who will be very excited about this! If you have a day off from teaching, what is your favorite way to spend it?
I enjoy simply relaxing, taking a leisurely nature walk, and having a nice meal and a freshly brewed cup of coffee.
8. Let’s end with a fun one: If you could take your students on a field trip anywhere in the world, where would you go and why? I would take them somewhere I want to go to as well, to Australia, to see the Great Barrier Reef. It would be amazing to visit one of the natural wonders of the world!
We’re coming with you! Thank you Ms. Katsoulos!