Friday, October 27 – Monday, November 13
A strong local elementary school lifts everyone in the neighborhood. The community is stronger, kids flourish in school and businesses thrive. No community exemplifies the tie between a neighborhood and its school better than the Waters Elementary community. This year, we are extending our annual give to the community and introducing the WatersToday Annual Pledge Drive beginning Friday, October 27.
Waters Elementary has a truly unique ecology program – and your contributions make it all possible. Mrs. Vecchioni’s Makers Space, where kids immerse themselves in creative building projects, is fully funded by WatersToday. Your contributions also support technology made available to our students, along with many other school-wide initiatives that help make Waters a true gem in our community.
We are asking families for a $750 contribution to the annual pledge drive. If that amount isn’t possible, please give whatever you are able, and note that you can divide your contribution into monthly payments. But, to acknowledge that a school community is so much more than the sum of its students, we are also asking that you reach out to your neighbors and family members. Tell them what you like about Waters, and what it’s like going to your neighborhood school. Everyone benefits when the local school thrives, and we want everyone to feel invested in making Waters the amazing, unique school it is.
In addition, we are excited to announce that many local businesses have teamed up with us to contribute to the pledge drive through events during the next two weeks. Keep an eye out for the pledge drive logo at local businesses!
Our goal is to raise $75,000 between October 27 and November 13! Stop by our kickoff on Friday, October 27, after drop off for coffee and donuts. Bring your donation in the form of a check or sign up for a monthly contribution. With your help, we can do this!